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F U Plastic: A Retrospective.

F U Plastic: A Retrospective.

We're coming to the end of Plastic Free July, but freeing yourself of plastics does not need to end here. To round up the month, we've selected some of our fave shots of our mates repping their thoughts on single use plastic by way of the Afends F U Plastic Tee or Hoodie. Along with this, find our favourite tips and tricks from latest ambassador, Bridget Hollit, and give you some more information on where your money went if you purchased something in the collection with a running total and rundown on the Marine Debris Campaign by Sea Shephard. Thank you all for your support and we can't wait to do it again next year!


F U Plastic Capsule.

At the launch of our F U Plastic campaign, you guys went skitz and almost bought them all in the first week. While there are some remaining (get your hands on them quick if your size is still available here!) so more donations to come, our current running total is $8k+. We will give you a final update when they're all gone. On top of this, you showed your support by flooding social media with your pics and tips. See some of our faves below!




Our good mate Bridget Hollitt shares how she reduces, reuses, and recycles.




If you purchased a tee or hoodie from our F U Plastic collection, you can be proud to say 10% of your purchase went to Sea Shepherd's Marine Debris Campaign. Launched in 2016, it's an Australian campaign close to our hearts with it's aim to clean-up the waterways and beaches. Passionate volunteers have so far removed over 3 million pieces of trash from polluting our oceans. As Sea Shepherd is committed to promoting and facilitating family-friendly coastal and river clean-ups, inspiring communities and businesses to take action in supporting the protection and conservation of our local marine environments and continue to hold clean-up events every month, though they are on hold while we're in the midst of the epidemic.


To ensure we don't continue to pollute our waterways during this time, it's more important than ever before to reduce, reuse and recycle! And if you're out for a walk, pick up at least 3 pieces of rubbish each time. It all makes a difference! Learn more on the ways you can help by checking out Sea Shepherd Australia's website here.





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