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surf trip & film premiere

The Afends surf team—Taj, Jai, Jhamil, Zac, Pascal, and Tubby—along with their mad director John, decided to head out on a surf trip into the remote Aussie desert. This place was pretty much untouched and completely off the grid with no phone reception.


The adventure kicked off with a hectic 14-hour drive, getting lost, almost hitting kangaroos and a wombat, as well as a night with no swags or tents- but eventually, they found some fun waves.


Finally setting up camp in the sand dunes the crew were able crack open some Stone and Wood beers, fire up the BBQ and just talk shit under the stars. The vibes were perfect as they geared up for the surf sessions ahead.


The trip had some epic moments, finding a slabby right-hander with the odd stand-up barrel that got everyone stoked. There was also a fun beach break that was absolutely firing but was shifty and tricky to surf- especially since the jet ski broke down thanks to Captain Kirky’s un-oiled wheel bearing on his trailer.


Despite all the hiccups, the crew had an amazing time. They soaked in the raw beauty and wildness of the desert, bonding over the waves they scored and the laughs they shared with a few Pacific Ales. This surf trip was all about adventure, friendship, and the joy of surfing in an untouched paradise.


Stone and Wood were nice enough to let us premier the film down the road at their place. The premiere was preceded by live music by Darcy Dexter and Luke Morris, a camping inspired menu by 100 Mile Table and obviously heaps of delicious beers from Stone and Wood. Fun ensued. Check the gallery and full film below.


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