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Welcome to Afends - Jai Walsh
December 18, 2017

Welcome to Afends - Jai Walsh




We're stoked to introduce the newest member to the team - Jai Walsh. Here at Afends, we very rarely put on new team riders and especially guys outside of Byron, purely because we have set up a family of crew we like to hang out with and who relate to the brand. But when Jai was recommended by mate Max Zappas we couldn't say no. The guy fucking rips and is an absolute legend.


Jai is a goofy footer from the south coast and surfs like an energetic sloth on valium, has air revs on lock and can also lock into a barrel or two. This is just the first of many clips to come. Enjoy!




Film by Max Zappas @maxzappas

Music by Tito La Vole @tito_la_vole and Jai Walsh @jaiwalsh 

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